Develon invests in new facilities in Germany
Published 12/9, 2023 at 09:44By investing in new facilities in Germany, Develon is setting the course for further growth in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
A state of the art customer and training centre for the German-speaking countries, together with a demonstration area for testing machines, is being built on a 10,650m² site in Mannheim. The completion of the new facility is planned for the 3rd quarter of 2024. This is aimed at bringing Develon much closer to its customers and dealers. In total, Develon plans to create over 40 new jobs in the region at the new location.
To ensure the best possible framework conditions, an independent company, HD Hyundai Infracore Deutschland GmbH, has been formed. This is another sign of Develon's long term commitment to Germany as a business location and underpins its ambitions to significantly expand its presence and market position in the German speaking market. As early as March 2023, Develon was able to introduce Andreas M. Lohner as the new sales manager for the DACH region and Eastern Europe and is now managing director of HD Hyundai Infracore Deutschland GmbH as well.
The new managing director sees Develon very well positioned for the future: “Both the intended location in Lempacher Straße and our transitional location in Seckenheimer Landstraße in Mannheim are ideal owing to their optimal location and quick accessibility. By deciding on a fully equipped transitional location, with a workshop that started operating in June, a well-stocked spare parts ware-house, a rental fleet, the latest generation of machines and a wide range of new machines, we can already provide fast, pragmatic and reliable support to customers and partners in the Rhine-Neckar metro region. Every new customer actively helps to create more jobs in the region.”
To ensure that customers do not have to wait, operations at the transitional location were started in March 2023 so that large parts of the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse could be supplied with spare parts and services. A well-equipped new rental fleet is available to bridge order peaks, to conserve the company's own capital requirements or to be able to test a product over a longer period of time. The experienced sales team is also already in place with the decision to take over sales, rental and service operations for a clearly defined market area enabling Develon to build on proven and successful market development with its trade partners. In future, they will also be better supported by German speaking office staff in Mannheim.